Now Your School Can Have A Real Radio Broadcast Station!

CONTACT SCHOOL RADIO:  In New Mexico, phone (505) 522-7627 Ext. 7
In Texas, phone (915) 203-6844.    e-mail us at:

In Touch Communications makes it easy for your school to have its own radio broadcast station with
"School Radio".  Your students and staff  operate your radio station and broadcast live from your school!  Parents, teachers and area businesses can tune in to get the latest programming, news and information from your school radio station.

In Touch Communications provides a complete "turn-key" radio station installed at your school.  Skilled In Touch technicians install everything from your broadcast studio to the transmitter and antenna.  This  makes going on the air a breeze because In Touch Communications does all the installation, setup, tuning and testing.  And, your staff and students will receive a "hands on" workshop before they sign ON THE AIR!

Your radio station transmission system is approved by the
Federal Communications Commission, and the In Touch Communications technicians who install your radio station are F.C.C. licensed. You don't have to worry about researching government rules and regulations or having your equipment installed by personnel who are not F.C.C. licensedIn Touch Communications has the F.C.C. approved equipment, FCC approved technicians, years of commercial radio station installation experience, the proper test equipment and know how.  In Touch Communications provides it all!

In Touch Communications makes it easy for you to get your radio station  ON THE AIR !

Click on the buttons below to get more information on starting your school's radio station.  Learn how it works, about financing, special programs which may be available in your area and how to get a special discounted price on your radio station.